Therapists Specializing in Gender Identity Near Me – Review of your Best Counseling Options.

therapists specializing in gender identity near me

The task of searching for “therapists specializing in gender identity near me” was for a long time a herculean task for many in the LGBTQ+ community. People struggling with gender identity issues, often reach out for therapy sessions.

However, the traditional in-person therapist charges outrageously high fees per session and is completely inexperienced in handling gender identity crises.

Then there’s the whole awkwardness involved with a therapist asking invasive gender-based questions with all your details and ID in a form in his hands. 

✔️ Too busy for the full read?

Here at ANZPath we highly recommend using Calmerry for gender identity therapy. There you’ll be matched with the best therapist that suits you.

It’s convenient, affordable and most of all, they have some of the most skilled gender identity therapists online.

Fill out the questionnaire at to get matched with a therapist within 24 hours.

It got a whole lot easier finding  good therapists specializing in gender identity

therapists specializing in gender identity

Fortunately, the herculean task of looking for a therapist specializing in gender identity needs not to be overwhelming anymore with the aid of social media and the internet. This is how many a member of the LGBTQ community found solace and peace in

Calmerry takes the work of your hands from the moment you view the website. They understand you need not just another therapy session, but one with:

  1. An experienced therapist in the gender identity field
  2. Flexible sessions
  3. The right therapist best suited for you
  4. A community that understands
  5. An affordable cost (at a fraction of what in-person therapy sessions cost.)

With this, many a search for a therapist specializing in gender identity crisis near me” has been brought to an abrupt end, with individuals in need of guidance and encouragement finding welcoming arms in

Calmerry is more than just your typical online therapist service. They pay close attention to the needs of the users, the therapists themselves, unspoken desires during therapy sessions, and most notably, a state-of-the-art algorithm.

This algorithm is the first thing all who seek a therapist specializing in a gender identity crisis, will encounter on the website. The algorithm asks a series of questions, some straightforward, others requiring a bit of critical thinking and discovery to answer correctly.

These questions asked should be answered correctly as they are geared toward determining what type of aid you require and how best to match you with the right therapist.

To be clear, the therapists mentioned on this page are not necessarily an LGBTQIA+ individual themselves. They are however "LGBTQIA+ friendly therapists" and are open, welcoming, and supportive towards LGBTQIA+ people.

Talking with a specialized gender identity therapist is going to help you a lot more than a general therapist

In the LGBTQ community, meeting the right people best in a position to support you can never be overestimated, even more so when you seek therapy sessions. An inexperienced therapist, in an uncomfortable environment, could prove fatal to the mental health of individuals struggling with gender identity issues. The algorithm selects the best therapist for you with simple questions like:

  1. How do you identify?
  2. What pronouns do you associate with yourself?
  3. What is your orientation?
  4. Your Age
  5. Therapy experience
  6. Depression status
  7. Suicidal thoughts

And a few more questions of this sort.

After the questionnaire, you get to create a free account with a nickname (keeping your identity hidden). Calmerry doesn’t charge you till you have been successfully paired with a therapist.

The therapists are patient and highly trained in the art of listening not just to your spoken words but also to your unspoken thoughts and ideas. With thought-provoking and self-discovery questions asked, they guide you to discovering and finding peace with yourself and your gender.

In the event you are unsatisfied with your sessions with a therapist, you have the right to request a change of therapist. This doesn’t in any way offend your current therapist, as everyone onboard Calmerry is working towards the same goal of making you feel better.

So what does it all cost?

Boasting an astonishingly low cost for the unique service being rendered at an easy-to-access system, Calmerry sessions cost start from $50 per week. This charge is billed every month, so you can go through each session and pay at the end of the month.

Users can also unsubscribe when they no longer require the service of Calmerry. In the end, Calmerry works towards getting individuals to a safe state of mind, where they no longer require therapy.

So in a way you can say they work towards getting you to unsubscribe, having discovered yourself and defining who you are. The LGBTQ community is one antagonized by a vast majority of the population, with many people facing gender identity issues, Calmerry amongst its peers is a unique opportunity with some of its therapists having passed through gender identity crises themselves.

Traditional in-person therapy sessions charge $100 – $150 per session, despite being poorly trained in handling gender identity crises. Calmerry is accessible, flexible, and affordable.

The therapist you may want to look forward to working with:

Reviews and comments from satisfied individuals in the LGBTQ community who once dealt with gender identity issues have taken to the comment section of the Calmerry LGBTQ community to make known their appreciation to a few now celebrated therapists. Below we have listed just two of the most renowned therapists;


  1. Sarah Liu: Sarah is experienced and skilled in dealing with gender-based issues related to married couples (Trans couples).
  2. Amanda Burts: Those who would love to work with an individual who provides quick and thoughtful answers to their thought, look forward to working with Burts!

Here’s the bottom line

With all being said, it is worth mentioning that Calmerry isn’t the only LGBTQ service out there. There are a plethora of clinics online, however, not all of them have specially trained therapists to handle gender identity issues.

These small clinics provide ane therapy sessions online for their subscribers, but they lack the skill, knowledge, and resources to adequately aid the LGBTQ community. Save time, Save money and go for services that offer that and more.

In Calmerry, you can engage in live chats, and live video sessions, share materials, and erase each conversation after a session and many more. Calmerry does not accept insurance, but they do accept mental health benefits from your insurance company.