Should I Take A Romantic Orientation Test & Quiz?
Questioning your romantic orientation is extremely normal. With so many options and labels, it can be difficult to figure out.
You might assume taking a romantic orientation test or quiz will help you in your process of figuring out yourself.
Nevertheless, we DON’T recommend taking a romantic orientation test or quiz you find on the internet, as they often are NOT backed by facts, research, or give any genuine and clear indications.
Instead of taking a romantic orientation test or quiz, we at ANZPath, highly recommend using Pride Counseling for professional gender therapy to get you more clarity.
A licensed therapist knows how to help you based on experience and education.
Fill out this questionnaire at Pride Counseling to get matched with a therapist that suits you.

FAQ About “Romantic Orientation Test or Quiz”
What is a Romantic Orientation?
The romantic orientation of a person indicates the gender of a person they are likely to fall in love with or have a relationship with.
How is it Different than Sexual Orientation?
Romantic orientation doesn’t have to match one’s sexual orientation. You can be sexually attracted to someone without having romantic feelings for them, and similarly the opposite is true.
What are the Types?
The most common types of romantic orientation are: Aromantic, alloromantic, heteroromantic, homoromantic, biromantic, grayromantic, and demiromantic.
How can I Figure out my Type?
Take our test, as well as take the time to self-reflect on patterns in your dating history.
Can your Romantic and Sexual Orientation be Different?
Yes, this is perfectly fine and normal, many people experience this.
Is Romantic Orientation only for Asexual Communities?
While it originates within asexual communities, anyone can label their romantic orientation if it makes them feel more comfortable with themselves.
What if my Romantic Orientation Changes Over Time?
There’s a label for this called abroromantic, for those whose romantic orientation is fluid and constantly changing.
Does Romantic Orientation Fall Under the LGBT+ Community?
In some cases, yes! However, you can be straight and have a romantic orientation.
Thoughts on romantic orientations
We hope we’ve helped you gain some insight on romantic orientation. Our goal is to assist you in finding the one that makes you feel most comfortable. Whichever you end up deciding, know that it is normal, and you are valid.