Quiz on Sexuality. My Sexual Oritentation Test.
Have you recently been doubting your sexual orientation? Are you simply in a phase or what is your sexuality actually?
Find an answer or indication of your sexual orientation in this “Quiz on Sexuality” to get more clarity.
You’ll find a helpful FAQ to answer popular questions related to sexuality below.
FAQ for the “Quiz on Sexuality”. What is my sexual orientation?
What sexual orientations are there?
Generally there is heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual. However, now a days there are far more denominations. In any case you’ll always be on some sort of spectrum within them.
How Do I know That I’m A a certain sexual orientation?
With more experience you’ll know more clearly what feels right to you. Talking with gender therapists and sex therapists can help give clarity as well.
What do you mean by sexuality?
In this case it refers to which sexual orientation you are. In other words, what genders are you attracted to.
Can You Be attracted to more than one gender at a time?
Yes, that will mean you are bisexual.
What if I’m not sexually attracted to a specific gender?
You may in fact be agender in that case.
Is this a professional quiz on sexuality?
This quiz is not medically approved and should not be considered a professional opinion. It is merely a potential indication of whether you are classified as a certain sexual orientation.
Thoughts on sexuality from influencers
Here are real life stories about sexuality and sexual orientation.