Should I Take A “Does my Child have a Mental Illness Quiz or Test”?

Are you a parent questioning the mental state of your child? Do you feel like your child has a mental illness from the way he/she behaves?

We DON’T recommend taking a “Does my child have a mental illness quiz or test” you find on the internet, as they often are NOT backed by facts, research, or give any genuine indications whether counseling or therapy is needed.

Instead of taking a “Does my child have a mental illness quiz or test”,  we at ANZPath, highly recommend using BetterHelp as a convenient and low cost option to get professional guidance.

A licensed therapist knows how to help you based on experience and education.

Fill out this questionnaire at BetterHelp and you’ll be matched with a therapist that suits you.

Does my Child have a Mental Illness Quiz

To be clear, the therapists mentioned on this page are not necessarily an LGBTQIA+ individual themselves. They are however "LGBTQIA+ friendly therapists" and are open, welcoming, and supportive towards LGBTQIA+ people.

FAQ for “Does my Child have a Mental Illness Quiz or Test”

Does your child have a mental illness? 

It depends on several factors. To know if your child has a mental illness, you have to observe how they behave, socialize, and perform normal activities. If you are not sure, kindly seek a counselor who will advise accordingly.

Where should you get help for your child with mental illness?

You should seek a counselor who specializes in mental health. The counselor will ask you some questions to help assess your child’s mental health and then he will advise you on what to do. If your child’s condition is critical, the counselor will advise you to visit a Psychiatrist.

How do you know if your child’s mental problems are serious?

To know If your child’s mental problems are serious, examine how long it has lasted and how it affects the daily activities of the child. If it has lasted for long or is recurring, and if it affects the child to an extent that the child does not sleep, eat well or socialize consider the issue as a serious one.

Where should you seek help if your child has a mental illness?

If your child has a mental illness, you should seek help from a certified and experienced counselor. The counselor will advise you on how to treat the situation and whether you need to see a psychiatrist.

Is what your child is experiencing just a stage?

Yes, it might be. Most kids pass through a phase where they get frequent anxiety and panic attacks. However, it is wise to not just write off mental situations. Inquire widely to know the cause.

Will your child’s mental illness last forever?

It might just be a phase that will disappear with time. Or it might be a condition that is there to stay. However, don’t give up seeking help as the condition can be treated by an expert.

Is Mental illness hereditary?

Scientists have found out that some mental disorders run in families. However, it may not be the case for you and so you should visit a mental expert to examine you.

How are children with mental problems treated?

A Psychiatrist will incorporate several strategies such as family support, Psychotherapies, and behavioral strategy. If this doesn’t help the child, the Psychiatrist will prescribe medicine to help the child to cope with the circumstance.

Thoughts From Professionals on  Child Mental Illness

Get more insight on Child Mental Illness with these videos. Watch how they dealt with their situation.