Should I Take A “Do I Have Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz or Test”


Questioning if you’re a survivor of religious trauma?

Then, we DON’T recommend taking a “Do I have Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz or Test” you find on the internet, as they often are NOT backed by facts, research, or give any genuine indications whether you have religious trauma syndrome or not.

Instead of taking a “Do I have Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz or Test”,  we at ANZPath, highly recommend using BetterHelp as a convenient and low cost option to get professional guidance.

A licensed therapist knows how to help you based on experience and education.

Fill out this questionnaire at BetterHelp and you’ll be matched with a therapist that suits you.

Do I have religious trauma syndrome quiz

To be clear, the therapists mentioned on this page are not necessarily an LGBTQIA+ individual themselves. They are however "LGBTQIA+ friendly therapists" and are open, welcoming, and supportive towards LGBTQIA+ people.

FAQ About “Do I Have Religious Trauma Syndrome Quiz or Test”

What is Religious Trauma Syndrome?

Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) can occur when someone struggles with leaving a certain religion or set of beliefs that they’ve been indoctrinated into.

What are Some Symptoms of Religious Trauma Syndrome?

Some symptoms of RTS include: constant feelings of guilt and shame, difficulty forming healthy relationships, and a high sense of isolation.

Can Religious Trauma Syndrome be Treated?

Yes, many therapies have been proven successful for those with religious trauma, such as: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Who Can Treat Religious Trauma Syndrome?

Different therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists can all help treat religious trauma. Try looking for one that specializes specifically in trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or Religious Trauma Syndrome (RST).

Is Religious Trauma Syndrome in the DSM-5?

No it is not, however, it’s a common experience that helps bring words to the trauma for those who’ve been in cults or abusive religious settings.

Should My Therapist Have a Different Religion Than the One I Have Trauma From?

For some people this may be an important factor, however, for some it may not be a big deal. Decide what is best for your own individual needs.

    Am I a Bad Person for Having Trauma From Religion?

    Absolutely not, authoritarian religious practices at a young age suppress normal child development and can cause issues in a person’s life through no fault of their own.

    More thoughts from other sufferers of Religious Trauma Syndrome

    We hope that our religious trauma quiz has helped you find out a bit more about yourself and we wish you luck in seeking help if that is what you desire.